Ways to Give

Ways you can Give

Cash/Check/Credit Card

A gift in the form of cash, checks, or credit cards is the simplest and most immediate way people contribute to the Children’s Eye Foundation. Cash gifts may also be pledged over several years.

  1. MAIL YOUR DONATION: Children's Eye Foundation of AAPOS, 1935 County Road B2W, Suite 165, Roseville MN 55113
  2. Donate online - click button bellow

Click here to donate online

Create a Facebook Fundraiser: 

Create a nonprofit fundraiser through Facebook. Click the corresponding link for instructions.

Instructions for Computer

Instructions for iPhone/iPad

Instructions for Android

    Donor Advised Funds: 

    Make a tax-deductible donation
    Establish a Giving Account and then donate cash, stocks, or non-publicly traded assets such as private business interests, cryptocurrency, and private company stock to be eligible for an immediate tax deduction. 

    Grow your donation, tax-free
    While you're deciding which charities to support, your donation can potentially grow, making available even more money for charities. 

    Support charities you love, now or over time
    You advise us on granting the money to your favorite charities, now or over time, from your local food bank to your house of worship to organizations with international impact. Support charities you love at a pace that is comfortable for you. 

    Matching Gifts

    Many employers have matching gift programs through which your generosity to the Children's Eye Foundation of AAPOS can be multiplied. Check with your human resources office to see if your company offers matching gifts to nonprofit agencies.

    Memorial/Tribute Gifts

    What better way to honor a loved one and support the Children's Eye Foundation of AAPOS than through a gift in that person’s name? A commemorative gift can be made to any program or campaign of the foundation in memory of or in honor of any individual. Your gift is a caring expression for someone who has been very special to you. In honoring this special person’s memory, you are helping our hospital continue a tradition of excellent, compassionate care for every patient we are privileged to serve. Notification is sent to the honoree—or to the family in the case of a memorial gift. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned

    Planned Giving

    Planned gifts are made by individuals who want to ensure the financial future of the hospital today and into the future. These gifts usually are made using a financial or estate plan and often involve the use of gift instruments such as bequests and wills, life income trusts, life insurance policies, real estate gifts, a designation from a retirement plan, or other types of planned gifts. Including the Children’s Eye Foundation of AAPOS in your estate planning can provide you with important tax benefits now and in the future.

    Bequests and Wills

    For many donors, a gift through their will is the best way to make a substantial contribution to the Children’s Eye Foundation of AAPOS. Anyone with assets can make a bequest. If you have included the Children’s Eye Foundation of AAPOS in your will, please let us know so that we may properly acknowledge your gift. However, if you wish, your information will be kept in strict confidence.

    Non-Monetary ways you can support. 

    If you are an ophthalmologist or pediatric ophthalmologist, please consider volunteering for our direct patient care program, All Children See

    All Children See Volunteer Enrollment Form 

    If you are a music instructor or know someone who is, our Vision Through Music Program is looking for instructors to teach blind and visually impaired children. 

    Vision Through Music Program

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    Learn about our important work by joining us on social media and sharing our posts with your friends and family.

    Do you have a story to tell about how early intervention saved your vision? Share your story with us!